Part-Time Students
Studying Part-time? If you’re studying in less than a 60% course load in a certificate, degree, or diploma program, find out what financial aid is available to you:
Also, don’t forget to look out for scholarships you may be eligible for, in addition to the programs below. Part-time students with a permanent disability can apply for additional assistance.
Find out about Financial Aid for Students with Permanent Disabilities (if applicable)
Part-Time OSAP
The Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) offers financial aid to students studying part-time, or between 20% and 59% of a full course load.
If you are studying less than a 60% course load you may be eligible for Part-Time OSAP. To view all the eligibility requirements, consult the OSAP Website
To determine your eligibility, consult the Income Thresholds for Part-Time Financial Aid Programs (PDF)
How to Apply
Apply to Part-Time OSAP through the OSAP Website
Receiving Your Funding & U of T Outstanding Balance
Students who receive Part-Time OSAP may use the loan funds to pay the outstanding balance at U of T. Part-Time OSAP does not remit tuition fees to U of T to pay outstanding balance(s).
Students can view financial information, payments, and outstanding balances on ACORN under ‘Financial Account’
For information on making payments, deferring tuition, and refunds, overpayments, see Ontario Student Assistance Plan (OSAP) Payments
Part-Time OSAP for Graduate Students
In addition to the Part-Time OSAP application (see: OSAP Website), graduate students must include this form with their supporting documents: Course Load Confirmation Form (PDF)
OSAP for Micro-credentials
Micro-credentials are rapid training programs offered by colleges, universities, and Indigenous Institutes across the province that can help you acquire the skills that employers need. They help people retrain and upgrade their skills to find new employment.
OSAP for Micro-credentials is available for eligible students taking an approved program of study that is less than 12 weeks.
Micro-credential programs:
- Take less time to complete than degrees or diplomas
- May be completed online and may include on-the-job training
- Many are created with input from the business sectors, so the skills taught match employer needs
To learn more about OSAP for Micro-credentials and to find a list of OSAP-eligible University of Toronto micro-credential programs, visit the Ontario Government for Micro-credentials website.
How to Apply
Once you have applied for an eligible OSAP for Micro-credential program, the University Registrar’s Office requires a Micro-Credential Program information form to be completed to process your application. Please contact your department of study to have the form completed before the end of your study period.
MC Program Information form (PDF)
The Noah Meltz Program of Financial Assistance
The Meltz grant helps undergraduate students in certificate, degree, diploma programs, including the Academic Bridging Program, pursue their University of Toronto studies on a part-time basis.
Eligible students receive:
- A non-repayable grant for the tuition cost of up to two credits during the fall/winter session and up to one credit during the summer session.
- A set amount for books, transportation to and from classes and, if applicable, child care.
Students studying on a part-time basis need to apply to Part-Time OSAP, in addition to applying for the Meltz grant. The Meltz application will be considered after OSAP results are available. The University Registrar’s Office will review the two assessments to determine which program would provide the best source of funding (e.g., which program provides more total funding or which program provides more non-repayable grant). Students may also be eligible for a top-up Meltz grant in addition to OSAP for Part-Time Students.
To be eligible for the Noah Meltz Program you must:
- Be a Canadian Citizen, Permanent Resident or Protected Person;
- Be registered in a certificate, degree or diploma program;
- Be taking less than 60% of a full course load;
- Have an annual gross income equal to or less than the eligible income levels for family size; Income Thresholds for Part-Time Financial Aid Programs (PDF)
- Be achieving satisfactory academic progress;
- Not have received funding from a full-time student financial aid program for the same term;
- Not be restricted from receiving government student aid (e.g., OSAP).
Noah Meltz Supporting Documentation Requirements
How to Apply
To apply, students must complete the online application form:
- 2022-23 Noah Meltz Online Application
- Students may submit one application for the full academic year (September to April) or one application per term (September to December; or January to April; or May-August).
Upcoming Term / Deadline
- Fall (September – December) deadline: October 21, 2022
- Winter (January – April) deadline: February 24, 2023
- Full Year (September – April) deadline: February 24, 2023
Your application will be processed four to six weeks from when your application is complete. You will be notified of the decision via your University of Toronto email account. You must be registered, classes must have started and your ROSI mailing address must be current for payment to take place.
The Meltz grant will be paid into your fees account against outstanding tuition fees to a maximum of one credit in each eligible term.
Your portion of the grant for books, travel, and child care (if applicable) will be issued directly to you, via direct deposit, in each eligible term. Please ensure that you have banking information set up on your ROSI/ACORN account when you apply for the Meltz grant.
If you were refused the Noah Meltz grant, you may request an appeal. To request an appeal, you must submit:
- A letter requesting an appeal and all supporting documentation to the University Registrar’s Office (Attn: Noah Meltz Program) no later than 40 days before the end of your study period. Appeals submitted after this deadline will not be considered.
- Letters requesting an appeal must clearly state your name and student number.
Appeal decisions will take between 4 to 6 weeks.
Appeal requests may be submitted to Enrolment Services for the following reasons only:
- Course load Change: If you were refused the Meltz grant because you were registered in at least 60% of a full course load but you are now taking less than 60% of a full course load submit the following:
- A letter requesting an appeal of your Meltz application because you’ve reduced your term course load to less than 60%; AND,
- If you received funding from OSAP for Full-Time Students for the same term, you must submit proof that you’ve repaid all of your OSAP funding. (Examples of proof: a letter from the National Student Loans Service Centre (NSLSC) stating the repayment amount; a printed statement from your NSLSC account showing the repayment amount). Proof of repayment must originate from the NSLSC.
- Income Change: If you were refused the Meltz grant because your (and your spouse’s, if applicable) annual gross income was greater than the Meltz Program income thresholds based on family size and now your (and/or your spouse’s) income has decreased, submit the following:
- A letter with the reason(s) for the income change, your revised total gross annual income and a breakdown of how you calculated your revised annual income estimate; AND,
- Proof of income supporting your revised estimate.
- Non-degree Studies for graduate school admission: If you were refused the Meltz grant based on registration in non-degree studies and are doing the course(s) to be admitted to a graduate program, submit the following:
- A letter explaining why you are enrolled in non-degree studies; AND,
- A signed letter on departmental letter head specifying the course(s) needed to be considered for admission. The recommended course(s) must match the course(s) in which you’re registered.
- Note: Successful appeals regarding non-degree studies are approved for one year only.
- OSAP restrictions due to academic progress: Meltz applicants are expected to be in good standing and eligible for funding from OSAP or their home province/territory’s student aid program. However, if the OSAP restriction is due to an OSAP suspension for academic progress reasons, you may be able to appeal your Meltz grant refusal, Submit the following:
- A signed letter explaining the reason(s) for your previous academic issues, outlining improvements/changes in your situation which will better your academic chances and your academic goals for the study period.
- Supporting documentation where appropriate to support your request (e.g., letters from doctors, academic advisors, counsellors, etc.).
Noah Meltz Program Probationary or Suspension Status
The first time a student drops or fails Meltz-funded courses they are placed on Meltz academic probation:
- Students can continue to apply for the Meltz Program in subsequent part-time terms.
- The probationary period lasts for the remainder of the school year in which the issue occurred and the following school year.
- If there are no repeated occurrences during this time frame, you will be removed from probationary status.
The second time a student drops or fails Meltz-funded courses, the student is suspended (ineligible) from the Meltz Program for twelve months from the drop date or the first of the month after the end of the particular session. Multiple occurrences of academic progress issues will result in longer periods of suspension from the Meltz program.
If exceptional circumstances (e.g., medical situation, family crisis) impact on your academic success in a particular term, submit the documentation outlined under OSAP Suspension for Academic Progress Reasons to appeal your Meltz probationary or suspension status.
Questions? Contact us at if you have questions about your application.
Noah Meltz Program FAQs
How do I register if I’m not able to make a fees payment?
As of the 2018/19 Fall/Winter term, students are able to do an electronic fee deferral through their ROSI/ACORN account. You must allow two to three business days after Enrolment Services receives your application for the electronic process to work. Students who owe fees from a previous study period cannot defer their fees until these outstanding fees are paid in full.
One of the required documents is an affidavit but I am having trouble obtaining one. What can I do?
A legal affidavit is a sworn statement made in front of a lawyer, commissioner for taking affidavits, or notary public.
Affidavits are required in the following circumstances when official documentation is unavailable:
- Evidence of Indigenous identity
- Proof of marital status and custody arrangements
- Proof of non-taxable/foreign income
- Various reviews
Ontario’s Commissioner for Taking Affidavits regulations have been updated to allow for affidavits to be commissioned remotely. An affidavit commissioned remotely is acceptable for OSAP purposes. For 2020-21 and 2021-22, if you are not able to get an affidavit sworn, OSAP is allowing you to submit a signed attestation as a temporary exception to the documentation requirements. Students who submit attestations in place of affidavits will be asked to submit completed affidavits in future years.
Downtown Legal Services offers affidavit services at a low cost. Contact them for more information.
In addition, Enrolment Services can offer Commissioner services for financial aid purposes only. You can book an appointment online to get your affidavit completed. If you have questions prior to booking please contact us for assistance.
How do I check the status of my application?
If you haven’t received a decision six weeks from the date you submitted a complete application, please contact Enrolment Services at 416 978-2190, or visit Enrolment Services at 172 St. George St., Toronto, Ontario.
How do I make changes to my application information?
You will be able to make changes to a saved Noah Meltz application until you submit your application. After your application is submitted, additional changes can be made via written notice to Enrolment Services. To make changes after you submit an application, submit a signed letter to
How am I notified of the decision?
You will be notified via email to your University of Toronto email account.
What if I receive the Meltz Grant and then drop my course(s)?
You may lose your future eligibility for funding by dropping or failing to pass your course(s).
What is the Institution Funded Special Bursary?
You automatically will be considered for the Special Bursary when you submit a Meltz application.
While there is no difference in award amount between a Meltz grant or Special Bursary, students awarded the Special Bursary may be able to also access the government-funded Ontario Bursary for Students with Disabilities (BSWD).
I’ve been refused the Meltz grant. Can I appeal?
Yes, appeal requests may be submitted to Enrolment Services for the following reasons only. A letter requesting an appeal and all supporting documentation must be submitted to Enrolment Services (Attn: Noah Meltz Program) no later than 40 days before the end of your study period. Appeals submitted after this deadline will not be considered. Appeal decisions will take between 4 to 6 weeks.
Note: Letters requesting an appeal must clearly state your name and student number.
- Course load Change: If you were refused the Meltz grant because you were registered in at least 60% of a full course load but you are now taking less than 60% of a full course load submit the following:
- A letter requesting an appeal of your Meltz application because you’ve reduced your term course load to less than 60%; AND,
- If you received funding from OSAP for Full-Time Students for the same term, you must submit proof that you’ve repaid all of your OSAP funding. (Examples of proof: a letter from the NSLSC stating the repayment amount; a printed statement from your NSLSC account showing the repayment amount). Proof of repayment must originate from the National Student Loan Services Centre (NSLSC).
- Income Change:If you were refused the Meltz grant because your (and your spouse’s, if applicable) annual gross income was greater than the Meltz Program income thresholds based on family size and now your (and/or your spouse’s) income has decreased, submit the following:
- A letter with the reason(s) for the income change, your revised total gross annual income and a breakdown of how you calculated your revised annual income estimate; AND,
- Proof of income supporting your revised estimate.
- Non-degree Studies for graduate school admission: If you were refused the Meltz grant based on registration in non-degree studies and are doing the course(s) to be admitted to a graduate program, submit the following:
- A letter explaining why you’re doing non-degree studies; AND,
- A signed letter on departmental letter head specifying the course(s) needed to be considered for admission. The recommended course(s) must match the course(s) in which you’re registered.
- Note: Successful appeals regarding non-degree studies are approved for one year only.
- OSAP restrictions due to academic progress: Meltz applicants are expected to be in good standing and eligible for funding from OSAP or their home province/territory’s student aid program. However, if the OSAP restriction is due to an OSAP suspension for academic progress reasons, you may be able to appeal your Meltz grant refusal.
- OSAP Suspension for Academic Progress Reasons
- Existing restriction – OSAP for Full-Time Students: You may be able to appeal this restriction depending on the effective date of the restriction. If the suspension period is over, you can request reconsideration of your current Meltz application.
- Existing restriction – OSAP for Part-Time Students: Students must self-fund and successfully complete one term of study to re-establish their eligibility for OSAP for Part-Time Students. The Meltz grant can be considered a source to self-fund the required term.In either of these cases, submit:
- A signed letter explaining the reason(s) for your previous academic issues, outlining improvements/changes in your situation which will better your academic chances and your academic goals for the study period.
- Supporting documentation where appropriate to support your request (e.g letters from doctors, academic advisors, counsellors, etc.).
- Noah Meltz Program Probationary or Suspension status:
The first time a student drops or fails Meltz-funded courses they are placed on Meltz academic probation. However, students can continue to apply for the Meltz Program in subsequent part-time terms. The probationary period lasts for the remainder of the school year in which the issue occurred and the following school year. If there are no repeated occurrences during this time frame, you will be removed from probationary status.
The second time a student drops or fails Meltz-funded courses, the student is suspended (ineligible) from the Meltz Program for twelve months from the drop date or the first of the month after the end of the particular session.
Multiple occurrences of academic progress issues will result in longer periods of suspension from the Meltz program.
If exceptional circumstances (e.g. medical situation, family crisis) impact on your academic success in a particular term, submit the documentation outlined under OSAP Suspension for Academic Progress Reasons to appeal your Meltz probationary or suspension status.