Pathway Programs

The path to university can be different for everyone. While many students apply to university directly from high school, other students take alternate paths. Bridging, transition, and diploma-to-degree programs offered by the University are designed to help those students who may not follow a traditional path to post-secondary studies.

Academic Bridging Programs 

The Academic Bridging Program offered through Woodsworth College on the St. George campus, as well as the Bridging Pathway offered at U of T Mississauga, provide mature students who do not meet U of T admission requirements with the opportunity to qualify for degree studies in the humanities and social sciences on any of the three campuses. These programs are available to Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons (convention refugees).

Academic Bridging at Woodsworth College (U of T St. George)

Find more details about the Millie Rotman Shime Academic Bridging Program. You can contact the Academic Bridging Program at

Academic Bridging at U of T Mississauga

Find complete details about the U of T Mississauga Bridging Pathway (UTMBP). If you have any questions about the UTM Bridging Pathway, please get in touch with our Pathways Team at or 905-828-5400.

Transitional Year Programme (TYP)

The Transitional Year Programme (TYP) is a full-time, eight-month access to University program that is intended for adults who do not have the formal qualifications for university admission due to circumstances beyond their control, such as financial, social, personal, political, familial or mental health barriers. The program is available to Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or protected persons.

> Transitional Year Programme at U of T St. George

Find out more about TYP at U of T St. George. You can contact the TYP at U of T St. George campus at

> Transitional Year Program at U of T Scarborough

The University of Toronto Scarborough’s Transitional Year Program is grounded in our institution’s commitment to inclusive excellence. Find out more about TYP at U of T Scarborough.

Diploma to Degree Program Woodsworth College, Faculty of Arts and Science

The Diploma to Degree Program offered through Woodsworth College on the St. George campus provides students enrolled in a two-year arts and science diploma at one of our partner institutions a pathway to university studies. After completing their diploma and a qualifying course, students may be eligible for up to 6.0 transfer credits and transfer into second-year studies. This program is available to students of all legal statuses.  For more information, including applications and deadlines, visit the Diploma to Degree Program.

U of T Scarborough Diploma to Degree Pathways

The Diploma to Degree Pathway Programs offered through U of T Scarborough, Seneca and Centennial College, allow students enrolled in the two-year Arts & Science or Liberal Arts Transfer Programs the opportunity to transfer into U of T Scarborough with a minimum of 6.0 transfer credits as well as the chance to take degree courses as a visiting student while completing the college program.  Students can look forward to a heightened number of transfer credits, university preparation, personalized service, and two exciting post-secondary environments. The Pathway Programs are available to both domestic and international students who qualify. For more information, including how to apply please visit U of T Scarborough College Pathway Programs.