Recipients must:
- be Canadian citizen/permanent resident and resident of Ontario;
- be enrolled in the Graduate studies in Women and Gender Studies (Degree or Collaborative Program)
- demonstrate academic merit and financial need
- be deemed most likely to contribute to studies on the status of women, community studies and public policy.
Award Type: Current students Grant
Action: Application Required
Availability: Domestic Students
Level of Study: Graduate
Actual Deadline Date: 1 Nov
Value/Amount: Graduate award at approx. $3,600 (as funds permit)
How to Apply: Complete the U of T Student Award Application Form.
- In your personal statement, describe your future plans and contributions to studies on the status of women, community studies and public policy including studies in the area of transportation, housing, urban planning, employment, public works and municipal services.
- As part of your application, upload two reference letters in support of your application from individuals who are familiar with your study plans and academic performance.
- Applicants will be informed of the award decisions by email. This is usually within a month or two after the application deadline.
- Award recipients will receive an award letter by email from Enrolment Services. The award letter will include information on the award payment and should be kept for future reference.