Enrichment & Summer Programs

Do you want to experience what it is like to be a U of T student?

Enrichment and Summer programs for high school and elementary school students are offered on all three U of T campuses in a wide range of topics. Programs offered are subject to change at the discretion of each department/campus. Please refer to program site directly for any updated information.

St. George Campus

John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design

Daniels Design Discovery

Age group: Ages 15-19 years old
Program Date: July and August 2025
Program website: Daniels Design Discovery

Daniels Design Discovery provides a comprehensive introduction to the discipline of architecture, giving you the opportunity to experience different ways of seeing, thinking, and making through the lens of design. The program will develop your skills in a broad range of design tools and techniques, providing a strong foundation to explore your creative potential.

(Two 2-week courses)

Nikibii Dawadinna Giigwag – Flooded Valley Healing

Age group: Grade 9-12+ (ages 15 – 25) First Nations, Inuit or Métis youth who are interested in design, landscape architecture, environmental sciences, field ecology, urban farming, gardening, Indigenous studies and cultural teachings. Applicants may be enrolled in, or completed high school. Applicants who have not completed high school are welcome.
Residence component: no
Financial assistance/scholarship:  Free to register. This is a paid learning experience. Pay rate is $15/hr (up to $3300 for the summer)
Email contact: angel.levac@utoronto.ca (Outreach Coordinator), Liat Margolis liat.margolis@daniels.utoronto.ca (Co-Lead) Elder Whabagoon elder.whabagoon@daniels.utoronto.ca (Co-Lead)

Nikibii Dawadinna Giigwag – Anishinaabemowin for Flooded Valley Healing – is an Indigenous Youth Program that weaves together cultural teachings with landscape architecture design and environmental conservation field work. An employment, mentorship, and pathway to postsecondary education program at the University of Toronto Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design, Nikibii Dawadinna Giigwag is culturally and spiritually grounded, interdisciplinary, experiential, community engaged, and responds to the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action. 

Each summer, up to10 Toronto-based Indigenous youth, ages 15-25, are employed fulltime at the U of T for seven consecutive weeks and part time in Fall and Spring. Teachings by Elders and Knowledge Keepers strengthen the youth’s self-confidence, cultural identity, and connection to land. Youth are introduced to postsecondary education and career paths in the fields of Landscape Architecture, Ecological Science, and Indigenous Studies. Through collaborations with a broad range of partner organizations, they engage in various methods of research, design, and realization of projects, including community tree planting, medicine gardens, green roofs, urban agriculture, campus landscapes, and ravine conservation areas.

Faculty of Arts & Science

Math Academy

Department: Department of Mathematics
Program Date: 1 week, March 10-14, 2025
Age group: Grade 9-12 (flexible, based on merit)
Residence component: No
Financial assistance/scholarship: Yes, based on financial need
Email contact: outreach@math.toronto.edu 
Program website: Math Academy

Math Academy is Toronto’s most elite math course for high-school-aged students. Students compete for a place by writing a challenging problem set designed to assess the creativity of their mathematical thinking. New curriculum is delivered each session and is non-overlapping with the Ontario math curriculum. Throughout the week, students will delve deeply into a topic, giving them a glimpse of what math is like at the university level. Students are accepted into the program on the basis of their solutions to a problem set which is aimed at highlighting their ability to think mathematically and creatively rather than testing for specific curricular knowledge. Application deadlines can be found on the website.

More information can be found here
For information on other Math+ programs, visit: https://mathplus.math.toronto.edu/

Math Enrichment Summer Camps & Courses

Department: Department of Mathematics
Age group: Grade 9-11
Program dates: various weeks in July and August
Residence component: No
Financial assistance/scholarship: Yes, based on financial need
Email contact: outreach@math.toronto.edu 
Program website: Math Enrichment Summer Camps & Courses

High School summer courses are designed for students who are confident in math concepts at their grade level and are looking for greater challenges and new ways to stimulate their interest in math. These courses teaches mathematics from an interactive approach while showcasing the applications of mathematics to various other fields. For those already familiar with our past “Enriching Minds” clubs and camps, these courses will be in a similar vein. We will be offering various themes and formats this Summer.

More information can be found here: https://mathplus.math.utoronto.ca/home/online_courses(external link)
For information on other Math+ programs, visit: https://mathplus.math.toronto.edu/

Science Unlimited

Department: Department of Physics
Age group: Grade 10 or 11 – students must have completed grade 10 or 11 by August
Program dates: 1 week, August 18-22, 2025
Residence component: No
Financial assistance/scholarship:  yes
Email contact: outreach@physics.utoronto.ca 
Program website: Science Unlimited

Science Unlimited offers high school students a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to participate in a week of workshops from the Departments of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth Sciences, Math, Physics and the School of the Environment.

School of Continuing Studies

Online Technology Programs in Gaming, Coding and Creativity

Age group: Ages 13-18
Program dates: Coming soon
Contact: https://utoronto-scs.xrcourse.com/preuni/summer2024
Program website: Online Technology Programs in Gaming, Coding and Creativity

Embrace the cutting-edge world of computer science, gaming, coding, and creativity with the University of Toronto’s School of Continuing Studies in collaboration with Circuit Stream. Designed for teens aged 13-18 who are eager to explore their interests and build a strong foundation for their future careers, our summer programs offer a unique blend of industry-leading instruction, hands-on learning experiences, and valuable networking opportunities.

Course #1 AI & Machine Learning with Python – Learn the algorithms and techniques behind recommendation systems, developing a smart, interactive chatbot tailored to your interests.

Course #2 Mobile App Development – Learn mobile app development with React Native, and the tools to build iconic apps like Snapchat, TikTok, and Siri. At the end of the course, students will build an iOS or Android app.

Course #3 Video Game Coding – Navigate through the game development process, from design to coding using Unity and C# and creating a thrilling maze game that challenges players at every turn.

Course #4 Game Design with Unreal – With Unreal Engine, learn the essentials of game mechanics, storytelling, and user interaction, translating your concepts into immersive gaming experiences.

Course #5 Creating Augmented Reality Experiences – Create custom visual effects and interactive components, crafting AR experiences for brands and social media platforms.

Course #6 Product Design & UX Labs – Dive into the world of digital product creation, navigating through UX and product design principles to transform real-world challenges into validated digital solutions.

Faculty of Engineering & Applied Science


Campus & Department: St. George – Faculty of Engineering & Applied Science
Age group: Grade 10-11 (Black-identifying students)
Program dates: July 7- August 1 2025
Residence component: Optional
Financial assistance/scholarship: N/A (Free Program)
Email contact: outreach@engineering.utoronto.ca
Program website: Blueprint

Blueprint is an academic enrichment program that was designed for highly motivated Black students in Grades 10 and 11 who are interested in careers in Science, Technology Engineering and Math with a strong interest in Engineering. The program includes 5 weeks of summer programming and yearlong student engagement including monthly webinars and scheduled meet-ups. Students will be exposed to state-of-the-art teaching facilities and labs at Canada’s top engineering school and have the opportunity to hear from students and researchers in the fields.

This program runs from July to August. Our course features a selection of inspiring lectures, current research discussions, hands-on activities and field trips. The last week of the program is Design and Innovation Week, where students get to explore the engineering design process and stretch their imaginations to create solutions to real-world problems. Students will leave with a basic understanding of the skills required to be in a STEM career specifically Engineering.

Jr. DEEP Summer Camp

Age group: Grade 3-8
Program dates: June 30–August 22, 2025
Residence component: No
Financial assistance/scholarship: Yes
Telephone contact: 416-946-0816
Email contact: outreach@engineering.utoronto.ca
Program website: Jr. DEEP Summer Camp

Jr. DEEP Summer Camp allows students the opportunity to take part in fun and engaging STEM learning through hands-on activities modelled after U of T science and engineering courses. Our course instructors are current undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Toronto in science and engineering fields who are excited to share their experiences in STEM and provide mentorship to students interested in STEM careers!

DEEP Summer Academy

Age group: Grade 9-12
Program dates: July 7–August 1, 2025
Residence component: Optional
Financial assistance/scholarship: Yes
Email contact: outreach@engineering.utoronto.ca
Program website: DEEP Summer Academy

The Da Vinci Engineering Enrichment Program (DEEP) is designed for highly motivated high school students with an aptitude for science and math. DEEP provides students from around the world with the opportunity for advanced study in a variety of engineering, technology, business and science disciplines.

Since its inception in 2003, DEEP has brought together over 10,000 like-minded students to explore some of the most innovative topics in engineering and science today—taught by some of our faculty’s top alumni, PhD candidates, and Master’s and undergraduate students. The program is designed to expose bright young minds to concepts usually presented in the upper years of an undergraduate degree or in graduate school.

CREATE: Engineering Design Challenges

Age group: Grade 9-12
Program dates: July 7–August 22, 2025
Residence component: Optional
Financial assistance/scholarship: Yes
Email contact: outreach@engineering.utoronto.ca
Program website: CREATE: Engineering Design Challenges

Calling all science and engineering enthusiasts! At CREATE, students will explore the exciting fields of science and engineering through a unique opportunity to learn from current Undergraduate and Graduate students while engaging with cutting-edge research. The practical activities, laboratory experiments, and site visits will lead participants through the Engineering Design Cycle to find solutions. Join us this summer for an unforgettable learning experience that will inspire and equip you to pursue your passions in science and engineering!

Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education

Camp U of T

Age group: Ages 4-17
Program dates: please visit site for more information on 2025 offerings
Residence component: No
Financial assistance/scholarship: No
Email contact: campuoft@utoronto.ca
Program website: Camp U of T

We are looking forward to another fun and active summer at Camp U of T!

With 28 camp programs available for children ages 4 years to 17 years, Camp U of T offers a broad range of experiences and opportunities to try new things, make new friends and learn new ways to enjoy sport, recreation, and play.

Reach Ahead to Kinesiology

Age group: Black and Indigenous youth aged 15 – 17 who are currently enrolled in grade 10 or 11 at a high school within the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), or who currently reside in the GTA.
Program dates: March Break 2025
Email contact: reachahead.kpe@utoronto.ca
Program website: Reach Ahead to Kinesiology

Experience student life at the University of Toronto and explore the field of kinesiology, where health and physical activity intersect!

During this week students will participate in interactive workshops and activities, connect with staff and faculty members, meet and be mentored by Bachelor of Kinesiology (BKin) students and explore career paths and graduate level studies available with a BKin.

Faculty of Law

Youth Summer Program – Law (Law YSP)

Age group: Grade 10-12
Program dates: TBD
Residence component: No
Financial assistance/scholarship: Yes. For more info, please click here.
Email contact: ysp.law@utoronto.ca
Program website: Youth Summer Program – Law (Law YSP)

Spend an unforgettable summer at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law! High school students from across Canada and around the world have a unique summer camp opportunity to explore their curiosity and interests in the field of law. During the Law Youth Summer Program (Law YSP), students currently enrolled in grades 10 through 12 can spend between one and four weeks at the law school engaging in advanced legal concepts, learning about the reality of the Canadian legal system, and applying their knowledge in a variety of simulations.

The camp includes the following modules:

Criminal Law: Prosecute and Defend Murder!
Corporate Law: Negotiate Big Business Deals!
International Law: Protect Human Rights and Explore International Norms!
Social Justice: Advocate For A More Equitable Society!

High school students interested in law and legal issues, the Law YSP offers an unprecedented opportunity to spend time in the fascinating world of Canadian and international law, legal thinking and advocacy.

Temerty Faculty of Medicine

Youth Summer Program – Medicine (Med YSP)

Age group: Grade 10-12
Program dates: July to August 2025 (Four separate modules offered in one-week increments)
Residence component: No
Financial assistance/scholarship: Yes. For more info please click here
Email contact
: med.ysp@utoronto.ca 
Program website: Youth Summer Program – Medicine (Med YSP)

Does medicine = doctor? Often times that’s how it is perceived but even before you get into medical school you’ll need to choose a program of study at a university. The Faculty of Medicine’s Youth Summer Program  (MED YSP) at the University of Toronto offers an engaging, educational, and fun program to learn about science, research and the wide array of medical careers.

This summer meet students from across Canada and over 10 different countries; talk to instructors, professors; do at-home activities; get tips on how to prep for university; compete in The Great Game Show; have a chance to win prizes, and much more!

Choose from four disciplines to explore your curiosity or to expand on your knowledge:

1) In the physiology module, understand how your body works; whether it’s from filtering 180 L of blood a day to keeping your body in balance or how all your systems spring into action during a fight-or-flight situation.

2) In molecular biology, get down to the DNA level and learn how a single base pair change in our DNA can have catastrophic consequences. With recent advances in genetics the future of personalized medicine will be yours.

3) In pharmacology & toxicology, learn how drugs work and how your body responds. Why is it that the same drug can save someone and kill another person?

4) In microbiology, whether it’s SARS, COVID19, MERS, Ebola, or the next unknown bug, you’ll learn how microbes are transmitted; how beneficial they are to us; and how they can turn against us.

Visit ysp.utoronto.ca/med for more information.

STEAM Design

Age group: Grade 10-12
Program dates: July 2 – 25, 2025
Residence component: No
Cost/Financial assistance/Scholarship: N/A (Free Program)
Email contact: steamdesign.oao@utoronto.ca
Program website: STEAM Design

The STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) Design Program is an experiential learning program with an equity focus, as it is designed for students identifying with groups that are underrepresented in health sciences (i.e., Black, Indigenous, Filipino, Latin American, racialized, and/or from any background experiencing socio-economic barriers).

Learners participate in interactive sessions led by researchers, graduate students, and practitioners to broaden their understandings of academic and career pathways available within health sciences. Emphasis is placed on research and design as we challenge our learners to design solutions to healthcare system issues. The learners work collaboratively with their peers and present at the Design Competition where they’re assessed by judges. Top groups receive prizes and are supported post program (through funding and mentorship).

The deadline to apply is March 16, 2025. Click here to apply.

Summer Mentorship Program

Age group: Grade 10-12
Program dates: July 2-25, 2025
Residence component: No
Cost/Financial assistance/Scholarship: N/A (Free Program)
Email contact: oao.outreach@utoronto.ca
Program website: Summer Mentorship Program

The Summer Mentorship Program (SMP) gives high school students of Indigenous or African ancestry a chance to explore health sciences at the University of Toronto over four weeks in July. This first deadline is March 16, 2025.

Learn More

New College International Programs

International Summer Academy – Youth International English Program

Age group: Ages 13-18
Program dates: June/July/August 2025
Residence component: Yes
Financial assistance/scholarship: No
Email contact: summeracademy@utoronto.ca
Program website: International Summer Academy – Youth International English Program

The Youth IEP is a 3 week summer program aimed at helping international ESL students improve their English. The program is designed for students with all English language abilities, from beginner to advanced levels. Students will take a mandatory morning course, and have the option of taking an afternoon course. Students who do not take an afternoon course will participate in afternoon activities. All students will participate in evening activities as well as weekend excursions.

Courses available: General English Course / Academic Preparation Course / Intensive English Course / IELTS Preparation / Culture & Community Course / Global Commerce Course

Pre-University Programs

Age group: Ages 15-18
Program dates: June/July/August 2025
Residence component: Yes
Financial assistance/scholarship: No
Email contact: summeracademy@utoronto.ca
Program website: Pre-University Programs

The Pre-University Programs are all-inclusive programs designed to prepare students and help develop the skills and critical thinking required at the university level. These innovative and forward-thinking programs provide the opportunity for students to immerse themselves at the University of Toronto and gain valuable skills and experiences needed for university.

The programs are the following:

The Global Citizenship Program is a 3-week program where students will explore different elements of global citizenship and discover their place in an interconnected world. Through a variety of teaching methods, lectures, and hands-on workshops, students will develop leadership and communication skills that build a global perspective.

The Advanced Academic Program provides an opportunity for students to challenge themselves in an academic university setting during the summer months. The course will culminate with an independent research paper and academic presentation. Students have mandatory morning and afternoon courses and will participate in cultural activities in the evening and weekend excursions.

Courses: World Economics / Language & Literature / Law, Ethics & Society / Film & Cinema Studies / Sciences Across the Spectrum / Applied Mathematics in Statistics / Social Psychology in Action

Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy

Pharmacy Summer Camp

Department: Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy
Age Group: Grades 9-12
Program Dates: July 7-31, 2025
Residence Component: No
Financial Assistance / Scholarship: More information coming soon
Email Contact: summercamps.phm@utoronto.ca
Program Website: Pharmacy Summer Camp

Dive deep into the science behind drug development and pharmacology in our hands-on summer camp, offering high school students from grades 9-12 the opportunity to learn about careers in pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences from industry experts at the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto.

Each week delves into an important area of pharmacy, providing learners with a fundamental understanding of physiology, pharmacology, pharmaceutical science, and communication skills through a mixture of educational discussions and interactive activities.

University College

UC Summer Drama for International Students

Age group: Ages 15-18
Program dates: 3 weeks, July 13 – August 2, 2025
Residence component: Yes
Financial assistance/scholarship: No
Additional items: Special outings planned to introduce students to Toronto and Canadian culture include theatre and musical performances, sightseeing, and visits to museums and galleries. 
Email contact: summer.drama@utoronto.ca
Program website: UC Summer Drama for International Students

UC Summer Drama for International Students introduces participants to training that is offered in a post secondary theatre program. 

There are two streams of the program.  The first stream focuses on intensive acting workshops.  Students will develop their voice and body movement, work on classical and modern scenes, and create dramatic monologues from personal writing, and even learn about acting for the camera. The second stream focuses on intensive digital media and sound design workshops that explore capturing, recording, editing and incorporating digital sound and media into performance.  Students can choose to participate in one of the two streams. 

This program is designed for intermediate, advanced, and fluent English speakers, offering a supportive and engaging environment where you can refine your language skills while pursuing artistic excellence. Students in both streams will also participate in “Embodied English” classes, a unique ESL program developed at the University of Toronto that uses performance skills to improve intonation, vocabulary and articulation. 

In addition, you’ll have the incredible opportunity to engage with cutting-edge technology through courses in AI at the University of Toronto’s prestigious BMO Lab—one of the leading research hubs in the field.

In the evenings and on weekends, students will enjoy cultural excursions that will help expand their creative capabilities and expose them to Toronto’s exciting multicultural atmosphere. 

Applications close on March 1st, 2025. If interested, kindly apply here.

Mississauga Campus

Department of Mathematical & Computational Sciences

Math Circles

Age group: Grade 10-12
Program dates: Wednesdays 5-6pm from October 2024- April 2025
Residence component: No
Financial assistance/scholarship: N/A – this program is FREE
Email contact: e.hossain@utoronto.ca
Program website: Math Circles

In Math Circles, students will work with professors and students from UTM’s Mathematics and Computer Science Department, on mathematical puzzles selected from a variety of disciplines, such as combinatorics, geometry, algebra, and number theory. We will cover topics that you won’t learn in a typical high school curriculum, so expect to challenge yourself and wrap your brain around new ways of thinking.

Recreation, Athletics & Wellness

Camp U of T Mississauga

Age group: Ages 14-16
Program dates: July 2 – August 22, 2025
Residence component: No
Financial assistance/scholarship: No
Email contact: camp.utm@utoronto.ca 
Program website: Camp U of T Mississauga

Summer Camp at the beautiful University of Toronto Mississauga Campus. We offer a wide range of sport and recreation-based camps as well as academic themed opportunities for children and youth aged 4-16.

Our youth programming focuses on building the leaders of tomorrow with Leadership Camp for campers aged 14-16. These two-week programs are focused on developing communication, collaboration and teaching/presentation skills through activities such as outdoor high ropes courses and rock climbing as well as shadowing and teaching lessons in our sport and recreation-based camps!

Scarborough Campus


Children’s Camps

Child programs: Sports (soccer), Sports (basketball), Arts & Crafts Dramatic Arts, Coding, Physics, Science, Lego, Magic Shows, Visual Arts and more!
Age group: 6-12 years old
Program dates: July-August 2025
Residence component: N/A
Financial assistance/scholarship: N/A
Email contact: camp.utsc@utoronto.ca  
Program website: Children’s Camps

Youth Leadership Certificate Program

Age group: 13-15 years old
Program dates: Coming Soon
Financial assistance/scholarship: N/A
Email contact: camp.utsc@utoronto.ca
Program website: Youth Leadership Certificate Program

The 2-week Leaders-in-Training (LIT) Certificate Program for youth ages 13-15 will operate in the months of July and August. The Leadership program provides a series of comprehensive character-building workshops facilitated by U of T staff, faculty, alumni, camp staff leaders and community partners. Youth develop critical thinking skills and learn about a variety of global topics, while developing leadership skills working in small groups and completing a series of self-reflective exercises.  Most importantly, they build confidence, self-awareness and motivation to set and accomplish goals while being their authentic selves.