To be awarded to graduate or undergraduate students who identify as Black student, based on financial need and a demonstrated commitment to community leadership in advancing social equity and/or outstanding contributions to the Black community. The recipient must be currently enrolled or accepted an offer of admission in a U of T program (undergraduate, Masters or Doctoral), second entry program or research-stream graduate program (Masters or Ph.D.).

To be awarded to master’s or doctoral students in the School of the Environment on the basis of financial need and academic excellence. Students in the JD/Certificate in Environmental Studies collaborative program are also eligible to receive this award. Preference will be given to students who are exploring practical based solutions to environmental issues and/or examining the market place for solutions to environmental issues.

The Estonian Scholarship Fund provides funding to students from Estonia, and to Canadian students researching topics related to Estonia, or doing work associated with the Chair of Estonian Studies. The award is made on the basis of academic merit and financial need.

To be awarded to undergraduate or graduate students on the basis of academic standing. First preference will be for students from (or with connections to) the following West Indian/Caribbean countries: Antigua, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Trinidad and Tobago. Where possible, preference should also be given to women applying to or registered in programs where women are under-represented.

To be awarded to undergraduate or graduate students in computer science. Financial need must be considered. Academic merit will also be considered.

This award is open to students from the St. George, UTM and UTSC campuses.

Emergency bursary support to single parent students enrolled in any program of study at the University of Toronto, to assist the recipient in meeting unanticipated expenses not covered by OSAP. Individual bursaries will vary in value, based on the recipient’s need.

Awarded to an undergraduate or graduate student, on the basis of financial need, who has been selected to participate in the university-wide exchange program with the University of Hong Kong.

To be awarded on the basis of financial need to University of Toronto students, including those participating in University-recognized exchange programs with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem when exchange agreements are developed, to earn credits through courses offered at the Rothberg International School, regular Hebrew University curricula or other Hebrew University programs. Awards will be made conditional on acceptance of the recipient by a recognized program at the Hebrew University. Preference will be given to graduate and full-year undergraduate students.

To be awarded annually to a graduate student who, in the opinion of the selection committee, made the most significant contribution to the spirit of the Institute and to the well-being of its students. The award is not to be based on academic standing or academic performance. Candidates will be nominated by the students and staff of the Institute of Biomedical Engineering.


Each December 6th, the University of Toronto community marks the National Day of Remembrance & Action on Violence Against Women with events across the institution. In 2016, the University established the Graduate and Undergraduate Award for Scholarly Achievement to recognize students who have made distinctive contributions in the area of gender-based violence research and prevention. Two awards (one undergraduate and one graduate) are available annually in the amount of $1,500 each.