Student Award Testimonials
Read about some of the experiences our students have had with student awards at the University of Toronto:
Mary D
2019 Humanities Excellence Admission Scholarship,
Faculty of Arts and Science student pursuing a double major in international relations and cognitive science
Thanks to the assistance I received from the University of Toronto, I’ve been able to successfully cover all of next year’s post-secondary expenses. I won’t need to take out costly student loans or work during the school year, allowing me to devote myself completely and entirely to my studies without distraction. I’ II be able to use my free time to take on other, non-paid opportunities, such as internships and side projects, that will help me further my passions and work towards my goals. The benefits of being able to put everything into my education from the very start of my first degree will undoubtedly carry through the rest of university and beyond.
Receiving this scholarship has inspired and reminded me not only of the importance of giving back to the communities we live in, but also of the monumental impact financial and education-related contributions can have on the lives of students, and, in turn, the world. My largest career goal is to work to use my expertise on a global scale to create lasting change in underprivileged or disadvantaged communities, both in a scientific and political capacity.
You Jin K
2019 University of Toronto Scholar Award,
University of Toronto Scarborough student pursuing Psychological & Health Sciences – Co-op
…as someone who experiences financial difficulty, receiving a scholarship for university was the first priority I had in my final year of high school. I had been working 20+ hours a week during my final semester in high school, and applying to as many scholarships as I could, in the hopes that I would be able to save enough to cover the rest.
When UTSC sent me the email announcing that I was a U of T Scholar, and that I was hence receiving $7500 for my first year, I was blown away. I knew that I would be going to U of T. After I complete my Bachelors in Psychology, I plan on getting my Masters of Education at OISE.
Angela B.
2019 University of Toronto Scholar Award,
University of Toronto Mississauga student pursuing Life Sciences
As a daughter of refugees and more specifically, refugees who’ve never been gifted the right of post-secondary education, education has always been a gift that I have cherished and practiced. I am eternally grateful for the opportunity I have been given; an opportunity my parents have worked strenuously to give me. The impact of this award allowed me to alleviate some of this work for my parents, as they would have had to further fund my studies. My future plans following the completion of my degree are to inspire; I hope to either practice medical or law & politics, or both! However, the ultimate goal is to inspire.
Tristan R.
2019 University of Toronto Scholar Award,
Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering student pursuing Engineering Science
Receiving a generous award means more freedom for grander projects such as internships abroad and more dedication to extracurricular. This, combined with U of T’s many opportunities, creates a learning experience that is definitely out of the ordinary and most enriching.
Souren S.
2019 President’s Scholar of Excellence,
Faculty of Arts and Science student pursuing Mathematical and Physical Sciences
The award allowed me to be able to fund the first year of my studies and actually gave me the opportunity to be able to attend a prestigious university which I would have otherwise had to decline … The scholarship gave me a boost for my future and a purpose for the upcoming academic year and it was a stepping stone for my future in this university.
Michael S.
2019 University of Toronto Scholar Award,
University of Toronto Mississauga student pursuing Computer Science, Mathematics and Statistics
This award enabled me the opportunity to live in residence and avoid the daily 4-hour commute from my home. I already knew U of T was my preferred choice, but this was the final say. It showed me that my hard work paid off and I have a place at this University. In the future, I plan to pursue Artificial Intelligence and contribute to research.
Nikki P.
2019 University of Toronto Scholar Award,
Faculty of Arts and Science student pursuing Mathematical and Physical Sciences, with a particular interest in Financial Economics
I have been interested in numbers ever since I can remember. When I was very little, I was completely fascinated with how zeros –– no quantity or nothingness –– instantly made a number infinitesimally small or astronomically large. Today, I am interested in how artificial intelligence is transforming the fields of economics and finance and how we are moving away from “homo economicus” towards “machina economicus” and how “robo-advisors” are replacing “human financial advisors”.
I cannot express how incredibly honoured and grateful I am to be a recipient of the University of Toronto Scholars Award. The University of Toronto’s extraordinary generosity and complete confidence in my academic abilities is profoundly encouraging and has strengthened my commitment to learning as well as my commitment to making a positive and lasting difference in the lives of others. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Tianyu Z.
2019 University of Toronto Scholar Award,
Faculty of Arts and Science student pursuing Computer Science
U of T Student Award is the first award I have ever received that acknowledges my academic performance. This is really important for me to establish confidence in my future education life. This award made me realize U of T recognized my abilities and would provide support for me, which directly influenced my decision to choose U of T because of this supportive recognition. Also, as U of T gave me such support at the beginning of my university life, it gives me stronger motivation to keep working hard and maintain, or even get better on my academic performance.
Maria D.
2019 University of Toronto Scholar Award,
University of Toronto Scarborough student pursuing Psychological and Health Sciences
The U of T award positively impacted my education and life as a student because I can focus more on my studies instead of stressing about how my studies are being funded. It has lifted a heavy burden off my shoulders and I am very grateful for that. The award impacted my decision to attend U of T very greatly. My future plans following the completion of my degree is to go to graduate school and earn a masters of teaching. My goal in life is to teach and inspire students to pursue English and Psychology.